Lanzarote surfing

Lanzarote is the easternmost of the Canary Islands, located just 75 miles off the coast of Africa, meaning it receives the same reliable trade winds and Atlantic swells that come to Morocco. The island offers beaches, reefs and point breaks for all tastes and below you can read a brief description of the main surf spots in Lanzarote:

Beginner-Intermediate surfer

Caleta de Famara is a spectacular village located at the beginning of the long Playa de Famara. It is the longest beach on the island, with an extension of almost six kilometers. It is perfectly positioned to receive waves coming from both the north and the west, so it is perhaps the most reliable spot in Lanzarote. But don’t think that Caleta de Famara is just for beginners. On the contrary, it is the spot that offers the greatest variety of conditions and will allow you to surf practically 365 days a year! It works at both low and high tide.

Intermediate surfer

Like Famara, Playa de Orzola is a beach break also suitable for beginners. It is located at the northern end of the island, but is a little more exposed to the winds than its twin on the opposite side

Beginner-Intermediate surfer

La Santa is the break that really made surfing famous in Lanzarote. Simply put, this is not a spot for beginners! When it works, it doesn’t forgive, but in return it can give you the emotions you’ve always wanted throughout your surfing life.

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